Fixed Income Fund

Mashreq Mena Fixed Income Fund

The Fund seeks total return through income plus capital appreciation by investing in bonds primarily from the MENA region.

Fund Objective

The Fund’s strategy is to generate a total return by identifying attractive fixed and floating rate income securities from the MENA region. For diversification, the Fund will selectively consider investments outside of the MENA region. The Fund is actively managed to align its strategy to changing macro and monetary trends.

Fund Details

Fund and Investment Manager Mashreq Capital (DIFC) Limited
Fund Type Open ended fund
Domicile DIFC, Dubai
Regulator of Fund Manager Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
Currency USD
Minimum Subscription The minimum initial subscription and holding amount is:
  • USD 100,000 in respect of the Class “MFI AA USD”. Additional subscriptions may be made in increments of USD 1,000.
  • AED 350,000 in respect of the Class “MFI AA AED”. Additional subscriptions may be made in increments of AED 5,000.
  • USD 1 in respect of the Class “MFI BA USD”, “MFI BI USD” and “MFI CA USD” Share. Additional subscriptions may be made in increments of USD 1.
  • AED 100 in respect of the Class “MFI BA AED” and Class “MFI BI AED” Shares. Additional subscriptions may be made in increments of AED 10.
Administrator and Registrar Apex Fund Services (Dubai) Ltd.
Custodian First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC
Auditor Deloitte & Touche (ME)
Valuation Day Each Business Day
Dealing Day (Subscription/Redemption) Each Business Day
Notice Periods 2 business days
Subscription Fee Up to 3% in respect of Class “MFI AA USD”, “MFI AA AED”, “MFI BA USD”,“MFI BA AED”, “MFI BI USD” and “MFI BI AED” Shares Up to 2% in respect of Class “MFI CA USD” Shares
Redemption Fee Up to 3% within first 3 months; 2% within 3-6 months; 1% 6-12 months in respect of Class “MFI AA USD”, “MFI AA AED”, “MFI BA USD”, “MFI BA AED”, “MFI BI USD” and “MFI BI AED” Shares 0% in respect of Class “MFI CA USD” Shares
Distribution Fee 0% in respect of Class “MFI AA USD”, “MFI AA AED” and “MFI CA USD” Shares 0.5% in respect of Class “MFI BA USD”, “MFI BA AED”, “MFI BI USD” and “MFI BI AED” Shares
Management Fee 0.85% respect of Class “MFI AA USD” and “MFI AA AED” Shares 1.00% p.a. in respect of Class “MFI BA USD”, “MFI BA AED”, “MFI BI USD” and “MFI BI AED” Shares 0.70% p.a. in respect of Class “MFI CA USD” Shares
Performance Fee NIL
Bloomberg Ticker MAKAINC UH in respect of Class “MFI AA USD” Shares MAMFIBA UH in respect of Class “MFI BI AED” Shares MAMFIBU UH in respect of Class “MFI BI USD” Shares MAMFICA UH in respect of Class “MFI CA USD” Shares
ISIN AEDFXA03C166 in respect of Class “MFI AA AED” Shares AEDFXA03C174 in respect of Class “MFI AA USD” Shares AEDFXA03C182 in respect of Class “MFI BA AED” Shares AEDFXA03C190 in respect of Class “MFI BA USD” Shares AEDFXA03C208 in respect of Class “MFI BI AED” Shares AEDFXA03C216 in respect of Class “MFI BI USD” Shares AEDFXA03C224 in respect of the “MFI CA USD” Shares

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