Discretionary Mandates

Discretionary Portofolios

Tailored investment solutions based on our investors specific objectives including asset class, income, time horizons, and risk tolerances

Key Advantages

Enabling investors to achieve their specific investment objectives by implementing customized investment strategies, essentially a one client fund
Enabling investors to achieve their specific investment objectives by implementing customized investment strategies, essentially a one client fund
Managing any regional (MENA) investment guidelines, e.g. focusing on Shari'ah compliant, cross sector, cross country strategies
Style-based mandates, with focus on value or growth
We offer customized reporting as per client requirement along with highest level of client servicing. Our clients are regularly updated with market developments and portfolio performance at a pre agreed interval of time.
Our portfolio management information system provides our analysts with the tools to conduct attribution analysis. We are thus able to ascertain details for tracking error, stock and bond selection as well as performance, which paves the way for comprehensive and customized reporting for investors. This level of transparency keeps our clients informed of our investment decisions and their portfolio activity.

Our portfolio management information system provides our analysts with the tools to conduct attribution analysis. We are thus able to ascertain details for tracking error, stock and bond selection as well as performance, which paves the way for comprehensive and customized reporting for investors. This level of transparency keeps our clients informed of our investment decisions and their portfolio activity.

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Know more on Investing Professionally in the Middle East

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